Community Guidelines and Privacy Statement

Thank you for being part of the STEM4EC community. To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation. By joining and using this community, you agree that you have read and will follow these guidelines. In order to preserve an environment that encourages both civil and fruitful dialogue, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate membership in this community for anyone who violates these guidelines.

Community Guidelines

  • Respect others. Focus on the content of posts and not on the people making them. Please extend the benefit of the doubt to newer guests and members; all questions are good questions. All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited.
  • Respect the purpose of the community. Use the community to share successes, challenges, constructive feedback, questions, and goals instead of products or services that you provide. If you’ve found knowledge, product or service helpful, please share your experience with the group in a respectful way.
  • Respect intellectual property. Post content that you have personally created or have permission to use and have properly attributed to the content creator. When posting items in our collaborative environment, please indicate if the item is not available for reuse.

Privacy Statement

Information collection and use

The project may collect information about how users access and use its websites, networks and related resources. The information collected on this site or from use of University of North Carolina systems may include the computer address used, the internet domain, the website the user came from or goes to, measurements of use, types of content used and other details. This data is used for website and network management, to improve website content, improve user experience (including directing users to specific types of content) and for security purposes. Cookies and similar technology may be used to facilitate the navigation of this site.


This website uses cookies to ensure that site visitors have the best experience. Cookies themselves do not contain any personal information, and we do not use cookies to collect personal information. Cookies may also be used by 3rd party providers for content or logging in.  If visitors continue without changing their browser’s cookie settings, the project assumes that visitors are happy to receive all cookies. However, visitors may change their settings for cookies at any time.

Legal and regulatory obligations

Please be aware that the University of North Carolina has various legal and regulatory obligations to disclose many types of information, as well as operational reasons for doing so. Unless specifically protected (e.g., FERPA-protected student information, HIPAA-protected health information), the University may disclose information obtained through your use of University systems for University business purposes in accordance with governing law.

Contact us or report misuse

For more information or to report any misconduct or abuse of this website, please contact